Čestitke našoj Heroini Mireli Kardašević na rušenju još jednog svjetskog rekorda, i to po prvi put u dubini!
Mirela je u disciplini CNF bez peraja zaronila do 75m i zabilježila svoj rezultat u ronilačku povijest!
Svjetski kup se po 5.put održava u Turskoj Antaliji, u gradu Kaşu od 28.-30.9.2022., za čiji nastup je uloženo dugogodišnje odricanje i puno truda kako bi se ostvarili ovakvi izvanredni rezultati!

My first world record in depth (the hardest discipline by far), and let me tell you, the one I ve been waiting for the longest. It took me 5 years to finally acchieve this result. The journey was hard. I had many failures and doubts. I was the “early turn” diver, but nevertheless, I never stopped working hard, I changed my approach, I started from the beginning this year regarding equalisation, and I wasnt afraid to take that risk. As I said in my previous post, sometimes we have to take that huge step back in order to understand and grow.
Even though I am the most successful Croatian freediver, a world champion and world record holder (now pool and depth), my federation didnt think that I was good enough (even though I win a medal at every championship), and they didnt put me nor my teammate @milosicboris (100m diver) in the national team for the world championship that starts in 2 days. I guess for some people it is more important politics rather than the sport.
I wanted to show you with this post, that no matter the stress, wrong doings of many people, never loose your focus and always remeber why you do certain things. Freediving is LOVE for me.
I also want to thank my family, my beautiful sons, my boyfriend and coach @roberto_butera, my other coach @ivandrvis and @matt_malina, my club DPS Zagreb, Slaven Cubric, my closest friends and the support that I got in the last few days. We are alone when we dive, but in reality we are never alone. Thank you “