Čestitke cijeloj našoj ekipi natjecatelja na odličnim rezultatima i njihovim trenerima Budimiru Budi Šobatu i Ivanu Drvišu, te reprezentativcima Mireli Kardasevic , Goranu Čolaku i voditelju naše Apnea sekcije Slavenu Čubriću
Čestitke organizatoru na odličnoj organizaciji kao i svim drugim klubovima i natjecateljima koju su sudjelovali!
Mirela Kardašević :
“3 disciplines within 27hrs . This weekend we had Croatian Nationals, and I have to admit that this was the most challenging competition for me so far (mentally and physically). I have arrived to this competition properly sick which influenced my mental state and the dives were the hardest dives I ever did. So, i find this competition as my failure but also a success because I accomplished what I was supposed to accomplish (qualifying for the world championship in May in Kuwait).
Now the results:
Saturday 1pm DYNB 245m
Sunday 12pm DYN 248m
Sunday 3pm DNF 175m
Competition was done in 50m pool in Rijeka, Croatia. I want to congratulate my team @dpszg for winning the overall points in female category, overall points in men category and overall team winner
Thanks to my coach @matt_malina and @ivandrvis for guiding me and supporting me durring my toughest days.